007 | A Conversation with Jeff Walker - Eleanor and Emma’s Business Coach
Resonate by The Reconnected - A podcast by Eleanor Mann & Emma Alta

We are excited to welcome Jeff Walker to the seventh episode of Resonate by The Reconnected! Jeff is a New York Times bestselling author, creator of the Product Launch Formula (PLF), and business coach to Eleanor and Emma. Years ago, while watching PLF Free Masterclass, Eleanor proposed the idea for The Reconnected to Emma. And they never looked back, following his formula diligently since then! In this conversation, Jeff explains how he committed “career suicide,” leaving the corporate world to stay home with his kids while his wife worked to support the family financially. Money was tight, living on a single income, so he created an email list that eventually turned into a paid offer and became the basis for his program. His initial goal was to make $10,000 in a year to relieve family pressure, and now years later, he is helping others have multi-million dollar launches! He is a pioneer in online marketing and now gets to work with his family, which he calls serendipitous. He leads with his passion for community building. Emma and Eleanor give insight into how their beliefs around marketing have changed a lot since working with Jeff. They celebrate how using the PLF has given them freedom, has allowed their partners to be at home, for their families to travel, and ultimately lets them be of greater service in the world! Learn more about Jeff here or follow him on Instagram @jeffwalkerco. With love, Eleanor and Emma P.s We are holding a 15 Day FREE Launch Life Business Week participating in Jeff Walker's Masterclass. Join us here! Website: www.thereconnected.comFacebook: www.fb.com/thereconnectedInstagram: www.instagram.com/the_reconnectedTikTok: www.tiktok.com/@the_reconnectedPinterest: www.pinterest.com.au/the_reconnected/Twitter: www.twitter.com/the_reconnected