005 | Suppress, Deny, Inhibit, Avoid

Resonate by The Reconnected - A podcast by Eleanor Mann & Emma Alta

005 | Suppress, Deny, Inhibit, Avoid   Welcome back to Resonate by The Reconnected! In this podcast we discuss one of the most common and deep issues we see parents facing - the suppression, denial and avoidance of feelings. Most parents can spend their days gritting their teeth or pushing away feelings they don’t want to acknowledge, and when asked, the majority of us say “I don’t have any suppressed emotions, everything is fine." But the reality is, throughout the day we are creating a stockpile of these suppressed emotions, and layering them deeper and deeper inside our body and mind, creating a cycle of suppression, avoidance and denial of our reality. Join us in this powerful conversation where we discuss the reality of childhood trauma and how it affects our relationships with our children, the queues to follow to uncover if you are experiencing suppressed emotions, and personal shares from Emma and Eleanor about their experiences of emotional maturity in their children and the lie of ‘perfect parenting’. With love,  Eleanor and Emma

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