The ghosts of ministers past

Raw Politics - A podcast by - Thursdays

This week on the Raw Politics podcast: What are the longer-term ramifications for Labour of minister Kiri Allan's arrest and resignation? Plus a big reversal on climate policy, and how to handle opinionated public board members.Raw Politics examines how the Kiri Allan saga leaves Labour this close to the election. Newsroom co-editor Tim Murphy suggests it might be a point where a shapeless campaign for Labour has to urgently take shape, with the caucus and party unified in the face of being written off.And we talk about the unique sensitivities in politics, more than other workplaces, of dealing with private and public instances of individuals suffering mental health issues.Later in the podcast, political writer and climate policy expert Marc Daalder leads us through the significance of Cabinet this week back-tracking on its previous decisions on the Emissions Trading Scheme settings. We discuss what that means for our wider climate commitments and how, if at all, it changes the climate policy equation for other parties in the upcoming election.Our question is whether appointees to public boards should be prevented from speaking out publicly, and how many restrictions they should face.Every Friday, Newsroom editors and political journalists talk through the big issues and scrutinise politicians’ performances in a lively 25-minute show aiming to take viewers and listeners inside the actions and motivations of our elected leaders.

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