Labour's free range ministers

Raw Politics - A podcast by - Thursdays

This week on the Raw Politics podcast: Whatever did Chris Hipkins do to deserve the absent-minded, busy, superior minister Michael Wood, and which electoral reforms deserve to be adopted.The Raw Politics team shakes its collective head at Transport Minister Michael Wood and wonders what he could possibly have been thinking to land his leader in a political bushfire so close to an election. Wood's failure to follow agreed MP and ministerial requirements to declare his personal assets was an affair that started messily and then got progressively worse for him, his Prime Minister and Labour. We also discuss this week's independent report calling for electoral reforms, including a ban on corporate donations to political parties, the possibility of a four-year parliamentary term, lowering the voting age and extending voting to more prisoners.And, we answer a listener's question over court cases over National and NZ First donations inconveniently returning to the public sphere ahead of the election.Every Friday, Jo Moir, Sam Sachdeva and Tim Murphy talk through the big issues and scrutinise politicians’ performances in a lively 25-minute show aiming to take viewers and listeners inside the actions and motivations of our elected leaders.

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