Act and NZ First grab the steering wheel

This week on the Raw Politics podcast: We look at what common wins might await New Zealand First and Act if National needs them both post-election; Plus How good are the Greens in the polls, and do overseas votes count for much?Much of the focus of the political week has been on the three parties of the centre-right bloc, given National's Christopher Luxon accepting he might have to negotiate post-election with New Zealand First.Two and a half weeks out from an election, the governing party was partly in the background, other than the stirring performance by leader Chris Hipkins in the Newshub leaders' debate.The Raw Politics panel analyses what might emerge from post-poll talks involving the three centre-right parties and we highlight a couple of policies where Act and New Zealand First have common ground and could end up in a pincer movement forcing National to adopt harder-right approaches than it is promising.The panel also looks at the relatively fact-free TV debate and Hipkins' high-octane pressure on Luxon, and Luxon's relatively strong response.Plus, with this week's polls not only confirming New Zealand First in the mix but also highlighting a strong campaign showing by the Green Party, Marc Daalder explains how the Greens have been quietly wooing a growing support base.Our reader question asks if the overseas vote, which opened this week, really matters for our overall election result.And this week's recommendations are all unashamedly in-house with Newsroom content – our Election Fringe Festival guide to the minor, minor parties; a look at the age, longevity and records of Winston Peters and our summary of that rollicking Newshub leaders' debate.Every week, Newsroom editors and political journalists talk through the big issues and scrutinise politicians’ performances in a lively 25-minute show aiming to take viewers and listeners inside the actions and motivations of our elected leaders. Watch Raw Politics on YouTube, or download or listen to it as a podcast on Spotify, or via Apple Podcasts.

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Every Friday, near the end of the political week, Laura Walters, Tim Murphy, Marc Daalder and a range of Newsroom's political reporters will dissect the big issues and put politicians’ performances under the microscope in a lively 20 minute show aiming to take viewers and listeners inside the beltway.Watch Raw Politics every week on YouTube or listen on your favourite podcast app. And send us your burning political questions to [email protected] and we’ll endeavour to find the answer and explain the issues.