26\\ My Own Teen Daughter Shares How to Get Your Girl to Open Up
RAISING HER CONFIDENTLY | Parenting Teens, How to Talk to Teens, Family Communication, Raising Teen Girls - A podcast by Jeannie Baldomero | Parenting Teens Coach, Mom Mentor, Mother-Daughter Relationship Advocate

Hi Friend! You are in for a treat! My daughter Ava is joining me on today’s episode. She is going to answer a common question I get from moms of teen girls. “How can I get my daughter to open up to me?” Ava is giving us the inside scoop on how to get your teen girl to open up to you. Coming from a teen herself, she’s going to share her perspective on what gets her to open up to me. Mama, get ready for a fresh perspective from a teen girl who is in the weeds as your daughter. Go grab that notebook! Are you looking for a supportive mom community? The common thing I ask the moms I work with to be most valuable is having a community with other moms who get it. Who are in the weeds too. Moms who are also in the season of raising tween & teen girls. We need each other to vent, laugh, encourage and support on another. If that’s you too, I have a free mom community I invite you to be a part of. You can join going to www.linktr.ee/jeanniebaldomero You can find me here: Work with me: www.jeanniebaldomero.com Connect: hello@jeanniebaldomero.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeanniebaldomero/ Free mom support community: www.linktr.ee/jeanniebaldomero