164\\ How to Be a Great Mom to Your Teenager. Is There Such a Thing?
RAISING HER CONFIDENTLY | Parenting Teens, How to Talk to Teens, Family Communication, Raising Teen Girls - A podcast by Jeannie Baldomero | Parenting Teens Coach, Mom Mentor, Mother-Daughter Relationship Advocate

So you want to know how to be a great mom to your teenage daughter?Do you have a vision of an ideal mom in your head?Are you determining your greatness as a mom based on how your daughter treats you?Being a “great mom” is subjective to what you believe a great mom to be. Maybe it’s envisioning June Cleaver from Leave It To Beaver as your ideal SAHM who manages to keep everything tidy, never seems to yell or get angry (okay did I just age myself) or Joanna Gaines who seems to manage a thriving megabusiness making homemaking so ultra appealing all the while raising her kiddos. BTW I love Joanna Gaines don’t get me wrong. Or maybe you're a realist and think a great mom is someone who just wants to know if what she is doing, is enough to prepare her teen girl for the life ahead of her. Are you looking for ways to communicate with your girl so she can start opening up to you? Do you want to understand why is it so hard to approach your girl? Are you stuck on how to approach your teenage daughter in conversation without her freaking out? JOIN US FOR A LIVE 2-DAY TEEN TALK WORKSHOP!! You'll walk away with understanding the changes happening to your girl , Shift you role in this teen stage, and discover better communication pathways to connect and grow closer with your daughter Imagine if you and your daughter can finally have conversations at a level where she doesn’t need to hide anything from you! Plus, you’ll get to meet other mamas who are all in the same boat.... ALL IN THIS FREE ONLINE WORKSHOP WITH JEANNIE! SAVE YOUR SPOT HERE! You can find me here: Work with me: www.talktoyourteengirl.com Connect: [email protected] Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisingherconfidently Free mom support community: www.raisingherconfidently.com