#31 You should have a change log

Python Bytes - A podcast by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken


Brian #1: TinyMongo

  • Like MongoDB, but built on top of TinyDB.
  • Even runs on a Raspberry Pi, according to Stephen

Michael #2: A dead simple Python data validation library

  • validus.isemail('[email protected]')
    • Validation functions include:
  • isrgbcolor()
  • isphone()
  • isisbn()
  • isipv4()
  • isint()
  • isfloat()
  • isslug()
  • isuuid()
    • Requires Python 3.3+

Brian #3: PuDB

  • In episode 29, https://pythonbytes.fm/29, I talked about launching pdb from pytest failures.
  • @kidpixo pointed out that PuDB was a better debugger and can also be launched from pytest failures.
  • Starting pudb from pytest failed tests (from docs): pytest --pdbcls pudb.debugger:Debugger --pdb --capture=no
  • Using pytest-pudb plugin to do the same: pytest --pudb

Michael #4: Analyzing Django requirement files on GitHub

  • From the pyup.io guys
  • Django is the most popular Python web framework.
  • It is now almost 12 years old and is used on all kinds of different projects.
  • Django developers pin their requirements (64%): Pinned or freezed requirements (Django==1.8.12) make builds predictable and deterministic.
  • Django 1.8 is the most popular major release (24%)
    • A bit worrisome are the 1.9 (14%), 1.7 (13%) and 1.6 (13%) releases on the second, third and fourth place. All of them are no longer receiving security updates, 1.7 and 1.6 went EOL over 2 years ago.
  • Yikes: Only 2% of all Django projects are on a secure release
    • Among all projects, more than 60% use a Django release with one or more known security vulnerabilities. Only 2% are using a secure Django release.
    • On the remaining part of more than 30% it's unclear what exactly is going to be installed. That's because the Django release is either unpinned or has a range.

Brian #5: Changelogs

Michael #6: Understanding Asynchronous Programming in Python

  • by Doug Farrell via Dan Bader’s site
  • A synchronous program is what most of us started out writing, and can be thought of as performing one execution step at a time, one after another.
  • Example: A web server
    • Could be synchronous
    • Could be fully optimized but
    • You’re at best still waiting on network IO back to all the web clients
  • The Real World is Asynchronous: Kids are a long running task with high priority, superseding any other task we might be doing, like the checkbook or laundry.
  • Example 1: Synchronous Programming (using queuing)
  • Example 2: Simple Cooperative Concurrency (using generators)
  • Example 3: Cooperative Concurrency With Blocking Calls (same, but with slow operations)
  • Example 4: Cooperative Concurrency With Non-Blocking Calls (gevent)
  • Example 5: Synchronous (Blocking) HTTP Downloads
  • Example 6: Asynchronous (Non-Blocking) HTTP Downloads With gevent
  • Example 7: Asynchronous (Non-Blocking) HTTP Downloads With Twisted
  • Example 8: Asynchronous (Non-Blocking) HTTP Downloads With Twisted Callbacks

Errata/Giving Credit:

  • Also in episode 29, https://pythonbytes.fm/29, I talked about pipcache as an alias for pip download. I think I said the author of a blog post contacted me. It wasn’t him. It was @kidpixo. Sorry kidpixo, keep the ideas coming.

For fun: Python Private Methods

Our news

  • Beta 3 of Python Testing with pytest should come out this week with Chapter 7: Using pytest with other tools, which includes using it with pdb, coverage.py, mock, tox, and Jenkins.
    • Next beta will be the appendices, including a clean up and rewrite of pip and venv appendices, plus a plugin sampler pack, and a tutorial on packaging.
    • Thanks to everyone who has submitted Errata.
  • Finished recording RESTful and HTTP Services in Pyramid AND MongoDB for Python Developers. Add your email address at https://training.talkpython.fm to get notified upon release of each.

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