#217 Use your cloud SSD for fast, cross-process caching

Python Bytes - A podcast by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken


Sponsored by Linode! pythonbytes.fm/linode Special guest: Ogi Moore Watch the live stream on YouTube. Michael #1: diskcache via Ian Maurer Python disk-backed cache (Django-compatible). Faster than Redis and Memcached. Pure-Python. The cloud-based computing of 2020 puts a premium on memory. Gigabytes of empty space is left on disks as processes vie for memory. Among these processes is Memcached (and sometimes Redis) which is used as a cache. Wouldn't it be nice to leverage empty disk space for caching? Features: Pure-Python Fully Documented Benchmark comparisons (alternatives, Django cache backends) 100% test coverage Hours of stress testing Performance matters Django compatible API Thread-safe and process-safe Supports multiple eviction policies (LRU and LFU included) Keys support "tag" metadata and eviction Developed on Python 3.8 Tested on CPython 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 Tested on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows Tested using Travis CI and AppVeyor CI Brian #2: TOML is 1.0.0 now. What does that mean for Python? Hopefully, some kind of toml parser will make it into Python core. Any Python access to 1.0.0? Mixed Implementations and TOML version support page lists: pytomlpp supports 1.0.0-rc.3, which is a wrapper around C++ tomlplusplus, which does support 1.0.0. Confusing tomlkit supports 1.0.0-rc.1, so that’s promising toml supports 0.5.0, great name. It’d be cool if it would support 1.0.0 What’s different between 0.5.0 and 1.0.0? Unless I’m mistaken, not much: CHANGELOG 1.0.0-rc1 Leading zeroes in exponent parts of floats are permitted. Allow raw tab characters in basic strings and multi-line basic strings. Allow heterogenous values in arrays. Other than that, lots of “Clarify …”, which I’m not sure how those all affect implementation. I’d love to hear more from people who know more about this Ogi #3: pyqtgraph pyqtgraph - plotting library, for when you need fast/interactive plots Uses qt5 (and soon qt6) bindings to generate plots within Qt applications Fills a niche role, want easy mouse interactivity, running locally on a machine Often used in engineering/scientific applications when looking at a lot of data, and wanting interactivity Michael #4: Parler + Python = Insurrection in public via Jim Kring and Mark Little According to Wikipedia: Parler (/ˈpɑːrlər/) is an American alt-tech microblogging and social networking service. Parler has a significant user base of Donald Trump supporters, conservatives, conspiracy theorists, and right-wing extremists. ArsTechnica article send in by Mark Little Ars: Parler’s amateur coding could come back to haunt Capitol Hill rioters Coding mess A key reason for her success: Parler’s site was a mess. Its public API used no authentication. When users deleted their posts, the site failed to remove the content and instead only added a delete flag to it. Oh, and each post carried a numerical ID that was incremented from the ID of the most recently published one. Another amateur mistake was Parler’s failure to scrub geolocations from images and videos posted online. Some 80 terabytes of posts, 1M videos, many already deleted, preserved for posterity. Catalog and Python pointed out by Shaun King. See the catalog (maybe, it’s the ugly side of people). The gist: https://gist.github.com/kylemcdonald/d8884da1a82ef50754ee49e0b6561071 Partially back online with Russian hosting service? Brian #5: Best-of Web Development with Python Suggested by Douglas Nichols Cool list with nice icons Covers Frameworks, HTTP Clients, Servers Auth tools, HTML Processing, URL utilities OpenAPI, GraphQL, Websocket RPC, Serverless, Content Management Web Testing, Web Forms, Markdown Third-party APIs Email, Web Scraping & Crawling, Monitoring Admin UI API Proxies Flask/FastAPI/Pyramid/Django Utilities Nice to see lots of FastAPI projects: fastapi-sqlalchemy - Adds simple SQLAlchemy support to FastAPI. fastapi-plugins - FastAPI framework plugins. fastapi_contrib - Opinionated set of utilities on top of FastAPI. starlette_exporter - Prometheus exporter for Starlette and FastAPI. fastapi-utils - Reusable utilities for FastAPI. fastapi-code-generator - This code generator creates FastAPI app from an.. slowapi - A rate limiter for Starlette and FastAPI. fastapi-versioning - api versioning for fastapi web applications. fastapi-react - Cookiecutter Template for FastAPI + React Projects. Using.. fastapi_cache - FastAPI simple cache. Ogi #6: Assorted Pyjion - https://github.com/tonybaloney/Pyjion a JIT extension for CPython that compiles python code using .NET 5 CLR CuPy - NumPy compatible multi-dimensional array on CUDA, uses _``*array_function_* (enabled with numpy 1.17) code using numpy to operate directly on CuPy arrays see NEP-18 and CuPy docs compatible with other libraries as well Extras: Michael: Trying Firefox + Brave + VPN Python Web Conf 2021 call for talks, due Jan 29, I’ll be speaking! PyCon US 2021 launched call for proposals: December 22, 2020 — Call for proposals opened February 12, 2021 — Proposals are due March 16, 2021 — Notifications will be sent to presenters March 23, 2021 — Deadline for speakers to confirm participation March 30, 2021 — Schedule is publicly released April 28, 2021 — Deadline to submit pre-recorded presentation (tutorials will be live) May 12-13, 2021 — Tutorial days May 15-16, 2021 — Conference days Apple launching Racial Equity and Justice Initiatives with partners across a broad range of industries and backgrounds — from students to teachers, developers to entrepreneurs, and community organizers to justice advocates Brian: PyCascades 2021 schedule https://2021.pycascades.com/program/schedule/ Ogi: Anthony Explains Video Series Learn X in Y minutes Reading Working in Public by Nadia Eghbal - provides some sanity checks for existing maintainers, might be a fantastic perspective for new contributors to open source Joke Tech Support, 2x Working at the help desk? Get the theme song: Here to help song And help by chat: "Running a successful open source project is just Good Will Hunting in reverse, where you start out as a respected genius and end up being a janitor who gets into fights." - Byrne Hobart

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