#161 Sloppy Python can mean fast answers!

Python Bytes - A podcast by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken


Sponsored by DigitalOcean: pythonbytes.fm/digitalocean

Special guest: Anthony Herbert

Anthony #1: Larry Hastings - Solve Your Problem With Sloppy Python - PyCon 2018

  • Michael’s personal automation things that I do all the time
    • stripe to sheets automation
    • urlify
    • tons of reporting
    • wakeup - to get 100 on Lighthouse
    • deploy (on my servers)
    • creating import data for video courses
    • measuring duration of audio files

Michael #2: Introduction to ASGI: Emergence of an Async Python Web Ecosystem

  • by Florimond Manca
  • Python growth is not just data science
  • Python web development is back with an async spin, and it's exciting.
  • One of the main drivers of this endeavour is ASGI , the Asynchronous Standard Gateway Interface.
  • A guided tour about what ASGI is and what it means for modern Python web development.
  • Since 3.5 was released, the community has been literally async-ifying all the things. If you're curious, a lot of the resulting projects are now listed in aio-libs and awesome-asyncio .
  • An overview of ASGI
  • Why should I care? Interoperability is a strong selling point, there are many more advantages to using ASGI-based components for building Python web apps.
    • Speed: the async nature of ASGI apps and servers make them really fast (for Python, at least) — we're talking about 60k-70k req/s (consider that Flask and Django only achieve 10-20k in a similar situation).
    • Features: ASGI servers and frameworks gives you access to inherently concurrent features (WebSocket, Server-Sent Events, HTTP/2) that are impossible to implement using sync/WSGI.
    • Stability: ASGI as a spec has been around for about 3 years now, and version 3.0 is considered very stable. Foundational parts of the ecosystem are stabilizing as a result.
  • To get your hands dirty, try out any of the following projects:
    • uvicorn: ASGI server.
    • Starlette: ASGI framework.
    • TypeSystem: data validation and form rendering
    • Databases: async database library.
    • orm: asynchronous ORM.
    • HTTPX: async HTTP client w/ support for calling ASGI apps (useful as a test client).

Anthony #3: Python Insights

Michael #4: Assembly

  • via Luiz Honda
  • Assembly is a Pythonic Object-Oriented Web Framework built on Flask, that groups your routes by class
  • Assembly is a pythonic object-oriented, mid stack, batteries included framework built on Flask, that adds structure to your Flask application, and group your routes by class.
  • Assembly allows you to build web applications in much the same way you would build any other object-oriented Python program.
  • Assembly helps you create small to enterprise level applications easily.
  • Decisions made for you + features: github.com/mardix/assembly#decisions-made-for-you--features

Examples, root URLs:

    # Extends to Assembly makes it a route automatically
    # By default, Index will be the root url
    class Index(Assembly):

        # index is the entry route
        # -> /
        def index(self):
            return "welcome to my site"

        # method name becomes the route
        # -> /hello/
        def hello(self):
            return "I am a string"

        # undescore method name will be dasherize
        # -> /about-us/
        def about_us(self):
            return "I am a string"

Example of /blog.

    # The class name is part of the url prefix
    # This will become -> /blog
    class Blog(Assembly):

        # index will be the root 
        # -> /blog/
        def index(self):
            return [
                    "title": "title 1",
                    "content": "content"

        # with params. The order will be respected
        # -> /comments/1234/
        # 1234 will be passed to the id
        def comments(self, id):
            return [

Anthony #5: Building a Standalone GPS Logger with CircuitPython using @Adafruit and particle hardware

Michael #6: 10 reasons python is good to learn

  • Python is popular and good to learn because, in Michael’s words, it’s a full spectrum language.
  • And the reasons are:
  • Python Is Free and Open-Source
  • Python Is Popular, Loved, and Wanted
  • Python Has a Friendly and Devoted Community
  • Python Has Elegant and Concise Syntax
  • Python Is Multi-Platform
  • Python Supports Multiple Programming Paradigms
  • Python Offers Useful Built-In Libraries
  • Python Has Many Third-Party Packages
  • Python Is a General-Purpose Programming Language
  • Python Plays Nice with Others




Joke: The failed pickup line

  • A girl is hanging out at a bar with her friends.
  • Some guy comes up to her an says: “You are the ; to my line of code.”
  • She responds, “Get outta here creep, I code in Python.”

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