#102 Structure of a Flask Project

Python Bytes - A podcast by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken


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Brian #1: QuantEcon

  • “Open source code for economic modeling”
  • “QuantEcon is a NumFOCUS fiscally sponsored project dedicated to development and documentation of modern open source computational tools for economics, econometrics, and decision making.”
  • Educational resource that includes:
    • Lectures, workshops, and seminars
    • Cheatsheets for scientific programming in Python and Julia
    • Notebooks
    • QuantEcon.py : open source Python code library for economics

Michael #2: Structure of a Flask Project

  • Flask is very flexible, it has no certain pattern of a project folder structure. Here are some suggestions.
  • I always keep this one certain rule when writing modules and packages:
    • “Don't backward import from root __init__.py.”
  • Candidate structure:
  • Love it! To this, I would rename routes to views or controllers and add a viewmodels folder and viewmodels themselves.
  • Brian, see anything missing?
    • ya. tests. :)
  • Another famous folder structure is app based structure, which means things are grouped bp application
  • I (Michael) STRONGLY recommend Flask blueprints

Brian #3: Overusing lambda expressions in Python

  • lambda expressions vs defined functions
    1. They can be immediately passed around (no variable needed)
    2. They can only have a single line of code within them
    3. They return automatically
    4. They can’t have a docstring and they don’t have a name
    5. They use a different and unfamiliar syntax
  • misuses:
    • naming them. Just write a function instead
    • calling a single function with a single argument : just use that func instead
  • overuse:
    • if they get complex, even a little bit, they are hard to read
    • has to be all on one line, which reduces readibility
    • map and filter : use comprehensions instead
    • using custom lambdas instead of using operators from the operator module.

Michael #4: Asyncio in Python 3.7

  • by Cris Medina
  • The release of Python 3.7 introduced a number of changes into the async world.
    • Some may even affect you even if you don’t use asyncio.
  • New Reserved Keywords: The async and await keywords are now reserved.
    • There’s already quite a few modules broken because of this. However, the fix is easy: rename any variables and parameters.
  • Context Variables: Version 3.7 now allows the use of context variables within async tasks. If this is a new concept to you, it might be easier to picture it as global variables whose values are local to the currently running coroutines.
  • Python has similar constructs for doing this very thing across threads. However, those were not sufficient in async-world
  • New asyncio.run() function
    • With a call to asyncio.run(), we can now automatically create a loop, run a task on it, and close it when complete.
  • Simpler Task Management: Along the same lines, there’s a new asyncio.create_task() function that helps make tasks that inside the current loop, instead of having to get the loop first and calling create task on top of it.
  • Simpler Event Loop Management: The addition of asyncio.get_running_loop() will help determine the active event loop, and catch a RuntimeError if there’s no loop running.
  • Async Context Managers: Another quality-of-life improvement. We now have the asynccontextmanager() decorator for producing async context managers without the need for a class that implements __aenter__() or __aexit__().
  • Performance Improvements: Several functions are now optimized for speed, some were even reimplemented in C. Here’s the list:
    • asyncio.get_event_loop() is now 15 times faster.
    • asyncio.gather() is 15% faster.
    • asyncio.sleep() is two times faster when the delay is zero or negative.
    • asyncio.Future callback management is optimized.
    • Reduced overhead for asyncio debug mode.
  • Lots lots more

Brian #5: Giving thanks with **pip thank**

Michael #6: Getting Started With Testing in Python

  • by Anthony Shaw, 33 minutes reading time according to Instapaper
  • Automated vs. Manual Testing
  • Unit Tests vs. Integration Tests: A unit test is a smaller test, one that checks that a single component operates in the right way. A unit test helps you to isolate what is broken in your application and fix it faster.
  • Compares unittest, nose or nose2, pytest
  • Covers things like:
    • Writing Your First Test
    • Where to Write the Test
    • How to Structure a Simple Test
    • How to Write Assertions
    • Dangers of Side Effects
  • Testing in PyCharm and VS Code
  • Testing for Web Frameworks Like Django and Flask
  • Advanced Testing Scenarios
  • Even: Testing for Security Flaws in Your Application


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