Some thoughts from the heart đź’”

Product Market Fit - A podcast by Mosheh Poltorak |


Praying for peace for all. ✌️ ** Dear friends, it’s Mosheh here. In light of the devastation taking place in Israel, I couldn’t bring myself to release an episode as usual. Instead, please allow me to share a few thoughts from the heart.  We’ll be back next week with more fantastic interviews and hopefully better news.  ** I’m generally not very political and apologize in advance for going “out of my lane here,” but some things transcend business and force a change in the day-to-day. I’ll probably get blow-back for doing this and perhaps some of you will unsubscribe, but I feel compelled to use this platform to raise awareness about these horrifying attacks, and perhaps more importantly, share a hopeful vision that we can strive toward.  ** As you likely know, this past Saturday, Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel from Gaza and massacred over 1,000 innocent civilians in the most heinous manner.  Girls and woman were raped. Babies murdered and mutilated. Hundreds of young adults at a music festival mowed down in a field. Hamas death squads going house-to-house in Israeli villages, burning homes, killing entire families, and taking captives to God knows what end.  It’s difficult to comprehend the brutality and barbarism of these acts. It’s painful to listen to. The images are gut-wrenching to see. But we can’t ignore it. We can’t look away. It is our responsibility to bear witness.  Remember the famous words of Edmund Burke, “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ** Yes, I am Jewish, but let me make this clear: this isn't a Jewish issue. This is a human issue. It's a battle for progress over savagery. A battle for good over evil. A battle for light over darkness. We must rise above the boundaries of religion and nationality to understand that this is about the fundamental values that unite us as a species.  ** If you’ve been following the pod, you know that I’m a techno-optimist. I believe that human progress comes from innovation. Throughout history, technological advances have mostly benefited humanity and raised living standards across the globe.  To that end, it saddens me when drone technology is used in the aid of terrorists; or when social media, a tool meant to connect people, is weaponized to spread misinformation, disinformation; or to terrorize people with the worst kind of snuff films.  Yet, I’m optimistic. I remain a firm believer in the power of technology to make the world a better place.  We've seen tech startups time and again demonstrate how innovation can overcome adversity. They illuminate the path towards what's possible when we channel our energies into creating, rather than destroying. It’s up to you, the founders, the innovators, the builders.  ** Since these attacks, Israel has declared war on Hamas and has been targeting them with bombardment and military operations in Gaza. I fear that this is just the beginning of a protracted multi-front war that will result in countless more deaths and carnage on all sides.  You don’t have to succumb to moral relativism to mourn the loss of any human life. I pray for peace for all.  ** You know, there’s a hasidic saying that a little light dispels a lot of darkness.  In this dark moment, I'm asking all of you, my fellow founders and tech enthusiasts, to be that light.  We may not have all the answers, but we can contribute to a world that's more compassionate, more understanding, and more connected. Together, we can promote a culture of empathy, and through our technology, create bridges where there were once walls. ** We'll be back next week with our regular content. Until then, stay positive, stay hopeful, and keep building.

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