52: Navigating Online School with your HSC

Parent Your Highly Sensitive Child Like A Ninja - A podcast by Megghan Thompson - Fridays


In this episode, I answer the question: Where do we draw the line with school? Helping your child get used to the virtual school day is hard enough, and if you’re parenting a Highly Sensitive Child, you need to be on your toes.  We speak to so many parents who report they’re lost in leading their children out of the fog of responsibilities of schooling behind a screen.  When you have a child who is experiencing intense emotions and you throw them into online school, there are a few things you need to pay attention to so this year doesn’t become a wash at best.   If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5steps If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5steps_teen If you want to learn more about the results we help our clients achieve, visit this page: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/results To keep up on the latest content, join our Facebook Group: Parent Your Highly Sensitive Child Like a Ninja Be sure to check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/megghanthompsoncoaching 

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