4: Is it hormones or is my kid Highly Sensitive?

Parent Your Highly Sensitive Child Like A Ninja - A podcast by Megghan Thompson - Fridays


As your child grows into a teenager, how do you really feel about it? No shame here. We were all teenagers once, and it’s safe to say that NONE of us would go back in time to live through puberty again...Be honest. Are you holding your breath because you can’t imagine adding hormones on top of mood swings? Or adding their physical appearance on top of the list of preexisting worries? And the peer pressure… learning how to be yourself and fit in at the same time… When they already didn’t feel like they fit in… Tune in as I knock out the phrase "It's just hormones, they'll grow out of it!" because it's not just hormones, and they won’t grow out of it. It's something else. If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here:https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5steps If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here:https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5steps_teen If you want to learn more about the results we help our clients achieve, visit this page:https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/results    To keep up on the latest content, join our Facebook Group: Parent Your Highly Sensitive Child Like a Ninja  Be sure to check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/megghanthompsoncoaching 

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