245. Making 2025 the year you end the meltdown cycle
Parent Your Highly Sensitive Child Like A Ninja - A podcast by Megghan Thompson - Fridays

Imagine having the tools to defuse the emotional bombs before they go off, to communicate in a way your child can actually hear and respond to, to create a home that feels loving and calm instead of chaotic and overwhelming. Imagine your sensitive child being able to express their big feelings without the screaming, the tears, the all-consuming outbursts. Imagine them building resilience, finding their voice, learning to thrive. I know it might feel impossible right now. You're exhausted, overwhelmed, maybe even hopeless after trying everything and seeing no change. The parenting books gathering dust on your shelves, the sticker charts and time-outs and "calm down corners" that only seem to make things worse... Book a call with my team today: megghanthompsoncoaching.com/talk For families with high school aged teens: megghanthompsoncoaching.com/teentalk