241. Parents of Sensitive Kids are Superheroes, too!

Parent Your Highly Sensitive Child Like A Ninja - A podcast by Megghan Thompson - Fridays


I see you. I know you try so hard every single day to be the parent you know your child needs.   You teach emotional intelligence daily, yet you worry constantly that you're failing your own sensitive child.   Others think you have it all together, but inside you feel like an imposter, wondering how much longer you can keep up this charade.   Dreading the meltdowns, the yelling matches, the constant battles with your child who seems impossible to please.   Holidays like Thanksgiving are supposed to be joyful family times, but for you it's just another day of walking on eggshells, trying to prevent the next explosion.   I see you. I know how hard you're working. And I want you to know, you are your child's hero. Register for our latest training here: megghanthompsoncoaching.com/3mistakes

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