152. 3 Reasons Your Family Members Judge Your Parenting

Parent Your Highly Sensitive Child Like A Ninja - A podcast by Megghan Thompson - Fridays


Something that comes up a LOT in my Facebook group is judgment. We get parents posting almost every day about how family members simply can’t stop criticizing or passing comments on their parenting styles. Which sucks. Because there you are, doing the work needed to help your kiddo end the meltdown cycle, develop vital social skills, and grow into a calm, confident young adult … And you’re getting unnecessary comments from others who feel the need to get involved! Now, I want to preface this by saying, I understand why family members can be critical. I mean, we all go on our own journeys, right? And when something is a little bit ‘different’ it can be scary. So to help you out with this, I wanted to explain the 3 main reasons why your family might be upset with your shift in parenting style. Listen on to learn more! If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk

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