#052 Meltdowns, Anger & Perfectionism in Gifted Kids
Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

“Sophia, today we’ve had a two-hour meltdown and it’s all fuelled by anger and unrealistic expectations and perfectionism – do you have a podcast on that?!” We do now. This episode unpacks meltdowns, what they are and what to do; anger, shame, perfectionism, imposter syndrome and those feelings of not being enough… and what we can do about it. Enjoyed the podcast? then subscribe or get your show notes, free eBook or course at ourgiftedkids.com If this episode inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it in our Facebook group or Instagram or feel connected & supported in our community, the Our Gifted Kids Hub. Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us! Resources #051 How Our Brains Impact Behaviour w/ Allison Davies – Our Gifted Kids Podcast Brene Brown, Atlas of the Heart Book Perspectives on giftedness; Sound Advice from Parents and Professionals – a book published by GHF Press The Heartbreak of Angry Gifted Kids by Ginny Kochis #041 Perfectionism, Diagnosis and her New Book with Emily Kircher-Morris – Our Gifted Kids Podcast #036 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Dr Matt Zakreski – Our Gifted Kids #010 Growth Mindset with Big Life Journal Founder, Alexandra Eidens – Our Gifted Kids Mood Meter App Hit play and let’s get started!