#049 Why We Need to Talk About Women
Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

It is Neurodiversity Celebration Week next week and we are diving into neurodiversity and what it is like to figure out you are neurodivergent as an adult. In the episode, we talk about why we need to talk about women and neurodiversity. We get into autism, ADHD, giftedness, girls, women, lived experience, and a bunch of research. Hit play and let’s get started! Memorable Quotes ‘Almost none of the research on giftedness beginning with the very first study of Tarmin starts with an IQ test of an entire population. It starts with teachers picking out who to test. That means almost every test out there on giftedness, and how awesome it is, starts with eliminating the majority of children who are disadvantaged. They're poor. They're a member of a minority group. They don't speak the same languages as their teachers or they're disabled.’ – Kathleen Humble ‘So I started researching for my kids. The best way I can describe it was I had a very emotional response to doing that research. I couldn't quite rationalize in my head at that point, that that emotional response might be because I am autistic because at that point I couldn't rationalize or understand how I might be autistic. And it took a lot more digging and understanding to understand how autism kind of manifests and expresses particularly in adult women and girls. And to find things that resonated with me.’ – Sophia Elliott Resources Neurodiversity Celebration Week Our Gifted Kids Hub Perspectives on Giftedness: Sound Advice from Parents and Professionals by GHF Press Chapters referred to in the podcast include: ‘Most gifted children have never been studied.’ by Kathleen Humble ‘ADHD & Giftedness, it's Complicated.’ by Kathleen Humble ‘Is my gifted child autistic?’ by Kathleen Humble #043 The Complexity of Giftedness w/ authors Kathleen Humble & Dr Rebecca Farley Podcast #018 Looking at Giftedness & Autism w/ Kate Donohue Podcast #014 Understanding 2E / Twice-Exceptional w/ Amanda Drury Podcast NeuroTribes - The legacy of autism and how to think smarter about people who think differently by Steve Silberman Our Gifted Kids Hub A community just for you... the Our Gifted Kids Hub brings together parents of gifted kids to connect, for support, with resources... to get peace of mind. The Our Gifted Kids Hub includes: Monthly live online information sessions. Monthly live online gatherings to meet other parents of gifted kids. Access to Our Gifted Kids Hub private Facebook Group. Exclusive member-only Podcast video and interviews. OGK Hub online portal to more information and resources. BONUS COURSE – Everything you need to know about gifted in the ‘Understanding Gifted Course’ BONUS JOURNEY – A pathway through parenting gifted kids with ‘Journey to a New Normal – 5 Steps that take you from Survive to Thrive!’ The Our Gifted Kids Hub costs about the same as a coffee & cake per week and as long as you remain a financial member, the price you sign up on is the same price you will always pay – it will never go up. So for peace of mind, join now! www.ourgiftedkids.com/hub Subscribe & Review If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about your biggest takeaway in the comments. For more episodes, you can subscribe and to help others find our podcast please leave a review. You can find show notes and more resources at www.ourgiftedkids.com See you in the same place next week. Connect Connect with me on LinkedIn Instagram & Facebook!