#039 Who else is a burnt-out parent of a gifted kid?
Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

In our first podcast for 2022 I’m getting real about how hard it is to parent gifted kids and the total burnout I experienced in 2021 – and I’m not alone! So we’re talking about what burnout looks like, why parenting gifted kids is harder and messes with our health (if we let it!) and what we can do about it! Hit play and let’s get started! Memorable Quote "I’ve always maintained that parenting is hard – full stop. It doesn’t matter who you are or who your kids are, it’s just hard. And it is. But recently, [I've realised] that most parents and families have a few years of very intense parenting before things start to level out and become easier… but parenting high-needs kids isn’t like that..." – Sophia Elliott “It’s the hours spent supporting them through meltdowns. The hours spent as they process their day and try to fall asleep. It’s the energy put into creating a dinner that meets their sensory requirements. It’s meeting their sensory requirements. It’s the hours figuring out what is going on, years on waitlists, assessments, reports, dead ends, answers. It’s the hours going to therapy… It’s the hours thinking about how to meet their needs, finding professional support, taking them, paying, putting it into practice. Finding the right school. Advocating at that school. Supporting their cognitive needs. Then cooking dinner.” – Sophia Elliott "It’s not like I’m doing something wrong, it’s just a super-human effort to last this long and I’m all out of super-human." – Sophia Elliott Resources Kate’s podcast Our Gifted Kids Facebook Page Our Gifted Kids Instagram Our Gifted Kids free Facebook Group Subscribe to Our Gifted Kids newsletter for more info! Subscribe & Review If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about your biggest takeaway in the comments. For more episodes, you can subscribe and to help others find our podcast please leave a review. You can find show notes and more resources at www.ourgiftedkids.com See you in the same place next week. Connect Connect with me on LinkedIn Instagram & Facebook!