#031 [GTN Awareness Week] The State of Giftedness with Marc Smolowitz from The G Word

Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

We talk to Marc about the State of Giftedness and the inspiration behind Gifted Talented & Neurodiversity Awareness Week as a part of our 5 PODCASTS over 5 DAYS for GTN Awareness Week! Woo! Marc is the multi-award-winning independent filmmaker, director and visionary behind The G Word and a growing community gathering to change the face of giftedness. Check out our 5 PODCASTS over 5 DAYS for GTN Awareness Week and all the FREE events on this week! Hit play and let’s get started! Memorable Quote "I saw an opportunity for our movie... to try to bring people together... it's five days of virtual programming. All of it is free. People are registering for it on our website and showing up every day for webinars and other kinds of online events." – Marc Smolowitz Resources The G Word Gifted Talented Neurodiverse Awareness Week GRO – Gifted Research Outreach #027 Gifted is more than High IQ, Lets talk about the Brain! #024 Sexuality & Gender – Tips for parents Andrew Solomon, ‘Far from the Tree’ (book) #019 What is Gifted? BIO Marc Smolowitz is a multi-award-winning independent filmmaker based in San Francisco. With three decades of experience in the film and media business, Smolowitz is a director, producer, and executive producer who has been significantly involved in 50+ successful independent films wearing many hats across the entertainment industry. In 2016, he received one of the prestigious IFP Fellowships to attend the Cannes Film Festival’s Producers Network and Marche du Film marking him as one of USA’s most influential independent film producers. Learn more about Marc's work here: https://www.13thgenfilm.com/  Marc's IMDB page: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0810625/   Subscribe & Review If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about your biggest takeaway in the comments. For more episodes, you can subscribe and to help others find our podcast please leave a review. You can find show notes and more resources at www.ourgiftedkids.com See you in the same place next week. Connect Connect with me on LinkedIn Instagram & Facebook!

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