#029 Why does my gifted child have an imaginary friend? We talk intuition with Dr Alan D. Thompson.

Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

In this episode we’re talking to Dr Alan D. Thompson about intuition and giftedness. We ask what is intuition? We talk about intuition in science, the research behind intuition, imaginary friends, intuition in very high IQ children, how to foster intuition and imagination in our kids, why it’s so important and more… Hit play and let’s get started! Memorable Quote “Well, if we look at intuition as this innate process - everyone's got it. It gives people the ability to know things without analytic reasoning. Let's call it the opposite of science - it's knowing without knowing how we know. I think it scares people. It maps to somewhere that we're not comfortable going.” – Dr Alan D. Thompson “I think one of the triggers for me writing this was noticing how many of my high ability clients from seven, eight years old had imaginary friends. And I thought that was fascinating… We've got the research that 34% of high ability or gifted girls have imaginary friends a little bit less for high ability or gifted boys.” – Dr Alan D. Thompson “That can be as simple as lying in bed and talking about dreams in the morning. So, what dream did you have? What dream did the child have? Not with any sense of needing to interpret it, but what is flowing through the subconscious at night?” – Dr Alan D. Thompson Resources Connected – Intuition & Resonance in Smart People by Dr Alan D. Thompson Dr Alan D. Thompson – Life Architect Bio Dr Alan D. Thompson is a world expert in the fields of AI, intelligence, high performance, and personal development. He consults to families with special needs children including Bolshoi ballerinas, chess masters, abstract artists, and those with a mental age up to twice their chronological age. Alan advises international media in the fields of exceptional ability and personal development, consulting to the award-winning series Decoding Genius for GE, Making Child Prodigies for ABC (with the Australian Prime Minister), 60 Minutes for Network Ten/CBS, and Child Genius for Warner Bros. Alan’s dissertation was adapted into a book featuring Dr Rupert Sheldrake, Connected: Intuition and Resonance in Smart People. Subscribe & Review If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about your biggest takeaway in the comments. For more episodes, you can subscribe and to help others find our podcast please leave a review. You can find show notes and more resources at www.ourgiftedkids.com See you in the same place next week. Connect Connect with me on LinkedIn Instagram & Facebook!

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