#025 Why Would Parents Choose a Selective Gifted School? With Deb Nurton

Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

Why would a parent choose a selective school? After reflecting on the intense effort required to navigate the education system for her academically gifted children, Deb returned to university to explore the current thinking in this field. Her research investigated the reasons why parents chose to enrol their gifted children in a selective school.  Deb now runs Nurture Connect, a service offering support and practical advice to gain positive outcomes for students and families. Hit play and let’s get started! Memorable Quote “They had all started out their children at mainstream, so they did know how mainstream worked for their child and each one of them had decided that they needed something different. They all found that their child was actually underperforming. There were school absences. One parent couldn't get her child to school previously. One child was made to repeat year one which is crazy. There was disruptive behaviour. One child would do their work in the morning and then nap in the afternoon. And children were disengaged. When they chose, so they were really looking for something, they had really unhappy children and they were feeling quite traumatized themselves.” – Deb Nurton “I was surprised at the lengths that parents had gone to. I don't know that school is the local school for any of the parents that I interviewed. Obviously, it's closer for some parents than others. The one thing that did surprise me was that parents were traumatized by their experiences. And in fact, what that did for me was made me remember my traumatic experiences.” – Deb Nurton Subscribe & Review If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about your biggest takeaway in the comments. For more episodes, you can subscribe and to help others find our podcast please leave a review. You can find show notes and more resources at www.ourgiftedkids.com See you in the same place next week. Connect Connect with me on LinkedIn Instagram & Facebook!

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