#023 Gifted Assessments & IQ Tests with Psychologist Kate Plum
Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

Today I’m speaking with psychologist Kate Plum about the assessment journey for gifted kids. In this episode we talk about when an IQ Test is helpful, what steps are involved, the pros and cons of assessment, the nuances of cognitive tests for gifted kids, the components of the test and much more. If you’re a parent considering whether you need to get your child assessed, this is the episode for you! Hit play and let’s get started! Memorable Quotes “It's very important that, that the parents. Get what they came for really? It's not a yes or no scenario. Are they gifted? Yes or no? It's yes, but, or no, but there's always a, but, and, and that's where that, that value, I think in the assessment lies.” – Kate Plum “The assessment is the beginning. It's not the end. A lot of parents think let's get an assessment and find out once and for all. The assessments, just the beginning, the assessment is where we all know what that next step is. And then I provide what that next step is.” – Kate Plum “We're all highly trained in psychometric assessment. I think there is, a widespread lack of understanding when it comes to how nuanced giftedness can be. It's not just an IQ score. It's part of it, but it's not all of it that just tells us what that baseline potential is. It doesn't show us what the child's actually doing.” – Kate Plum Resources Kid Psychology Bio Kate Plumb has extensive experience in the assessment and treatment of a variety of issues in children and combines her dual qualifications of psychologist and teacher to develop specific and individualised intervention plans based on each child’s unique need. Kate conducts a range of assessments for ADHD, Autism (including the ADOS), psychometrics (IQ) & learning difficulties (dyslexia) for any age. Kate provides support for kids and families of primary school age. Subscribe & Review If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about your biggest takeaway in the comments. For more episodes, you can subscribe and to help others find our podcast please leave a review. You can find show notes and more resources at www.ourgiftedkids.com See you in the same place next week. Connect Connect with me on LinkedIn Instagram & Facebook!