The Right Approach To Duaa

Nouman Ali Khan - A podcast by Muslim Central

Jumuah Khutbah at the Bayyinah Institute on May 26, 2017.

The power of duaa can't be overstated. The profound supplication Musa (AS) made at one of the weakest moments of his life is an inspiring example of this, as Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan reminds us in this khutbah.

After growing up in Pharaoh’s court, Musa suddenly finds himself a fugitive from the law and roams the desert until he reaches Madian. Desperate, he asks his creator for help and vows to take anything He provides. But that's not all. He also hopes for forgiveness for the sin he committed by doing as much good as he can in the world. At that very moment the entire course of his life changes.

The lesson learnt is that we must understand the way duaa works and know that the sincerity of our duaa is measured according to how far we accept what Allah provides with gratitude, no matter how little it seems, and to always help others more desperate than us.

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