Ramadan With The Quran - Day 20

Nouman Ali Khan - A podcast by Muslim Central

Surah At-Tin

In this talk Ustadh Nouman focuses on Ayat 4-6 of Surah At-Tin. These ayat follow the opening oaths where Allah reminds us of Prophets Eissa, Musa and Muhammad (PBUH) and by association of the messages they carried. In this transition to the heart of the surah, Allah makes a strong statement about how He created man in the most upright fashion, balancing him both physically and spiritually. Those amazing messengers who's memory was evoked in the opening ayat, are proof that human beings can be sublime; but then the tragedy is that they have allowed themselves to be reduced to the lowest of the low by rejecting Allah's message. Yet again Allah offers hope to those who pull themselves out of the depths of darkness and, guided by Him, correct the wrongs of the past and do everything necessary to fulfil the conditions of their iman.

2017-06-15 - Ramadan 2017

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