Ramadan Gems 2019 - Night 3 - Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Nouman Ali Khan - A podcast by Muslim Central

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan gives a comprehensive lecture on the Names of Allah - Ar Rahman and Ar Raheem. They are from the same root or etymology - Rahma. The Name of Allah, Ar-Rahman occurs 57 times and the Name of Allah - Ar-Raheem occurs 114 times in the Qur'an. Some differences between Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem are as follows:

Ar-Rahman (Mercy) is for all of His creation, while Ar-Raheem (mercy) is only for the Muslims. 
Ar-Rahman's mercy is comprehensive, while Ar-Raheem’s Mercy reaches only those whom He wants to reach. 
Ar-Rahman is in this world, while Ar-Raheem is in the Hereafter.  
Ar-Rahman describes the nature of Allah, Ar-Raheem describes His actions. 

Ar-Rahman and Ar Raheem are those names of Allah that resonate with a profound status, both linked, and are the only two names that are the first verses in the Surahs in the Qur'an. 

The Prophet ﷺ says,’The most beloved names to Allah are Abdullah and Abd-ArRahman.’  

The Prophet ﷺ said - 'When Allah created the creation, He divided his mercy into 100 parts.  1 has been revealed to this world and because of it, people are merciful to each other. He has saved 99 parts of His Mercy and it will be used on the Day of Judgment.’ 


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