Serialization (with Joanna May)
Nice Games Club - a gamedev podcast! - A podcast by Ellen, Stephen, and Mark - Thursdays
We invite Joanna May into the clubhouse to discuss serialization. We get ever so slightly closer to discovering what serialization even is with Joanna's help! We also have a little time to throw a little shade at Stephen's commenting style and brackets on their own line.ChickensoftTibo, artist of the Chickensoft mascot.Eating your own dog food (Dogfooding) - WikipediaLogic Blocks - WikipediaSerializationProgrammingToolsSerialization - WikipediaBinaryFormatter migration guide - gewarren, jeffhandley, terrajobst, adamsitnik, Microsoft Learn@JsonSubTypes vs. Reflections for Polymorphic Deserialization in Jackson - Ovidiu Mihai Tacu, BaeldungWhat are the advantages of just-in-time compilation versus ahead-of-time compil… - Stack OverflowIntrospection - jolexxa [Joanna], GitHubIL2CPP Overview - UnityMartha had mentioned unit tests (which Mark and Stephen still don't do) in a previous episode.“That wasn’t the angle I was going for.”Chickensoft Development Philosophy - ChickensoftJoanna MayGuestJoanna May is the creator of Chickensoft, open source tools for Godot and C# as well as a grassroots community. External linkChickensoft