The Role of a Single Mum
NHM I GOT IT FROM MY MUMMA - A podcast by Newcastle Podcast Station

How does it feel when you're left as the main parent looking after one or more children and you are suddenly their all, often having to make money too and be everything to your employer and your kids, how do you do it? Melissa Histon from the Hey Soul Sista Podcast launching soon talks about how she got through when some friends turned their back on her. Also managing a hostile ex and what happens in the future when you blend families? Bec says too that you might never seek to end up there however circumstances may come about where you're a single Mum, all the reasons not to fall into judgement and two beautiful women's souls laid bare in hope that others can benefit from their experience. Proudly Sponsored by The Little Unicorn Early Education Centres Newcastle enrol here. For more about NHM Newcastle Hunter Mummas or to send us your ideas, go here.