Ep 5: Gift Ideas Galore for Nature Kids and Teens

Nature with Kids - A podcast by Kelly Sipan

Are you looking for fun, meaningful, functional, and mostly clutter-free gifts for your children or teenagers? You're in the right place! On episode 5 of the Nature with Kids Podcast, my husband and I talk about TONS of nature-themed gift ideas for holidays and birthdays. I hope you'll be inspired to consider some creative ideas and that our conversation inspires you to think about what gifts might show love and encourage your family as you enjoy nature.I listed as many items as possible below (as space allowed). For links, a complete list, further details, pictures, and the printable "Nature Date" certificate, visit naturewithkidspodcast.com/gifts.You can also go to Instagram @naturewithkidspodcast to see an IG Stories highlight with visuals and IG accounts for many of the items shared in the podcast.Mentioned in the episode:EXPERIENCE GIFTS- nature dates with a parent (a free, meaningful gift!)- tickets or membership to botanical garden, zoo, animal sanctuary- national parks pass- REI experiences- lessons: horseback riding, skiing, snowboardingGEAR:- winter gear: jackets, boots, hats, mittens- summer gear: swimsuit, Coolibar sun-protective clothes, wet suit, beach towels- Camelbak backpacks- family gear for camping or day trips- bikes, scooters, EZ Roller, fishing gear- survival items: the bandaids we like are Welly brandGIFTS FOR YOUR HOME- cozy winter area: fire pit, twinkly lights- window bird feeders (these ARE safe for birds!)- hammock, slack-line- indoor plants- outdoor gardening tools- mud kitchen, sensory table, water table- round swing- dome climber- compost binBOOKS AND MAGAZINES- novels: Trumpet of the Swan, Hatchet, Charlotte's Web, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Mr. Popper's Penguins, James Herriot's Treasury for Children- Sophie Mouse series- illustrated nature picture books- field guides for your area- magazines: National Geographic Kids, Cricket/Ladybug, Owl Kids, Ranger Rick, Nature Friend, All Creatures, Wildflower Girls, Crikey, Anorak, BBC Wildlife, All About Space, Wild Explorers Club, Wild and FreeFREE OR UNDER $5 GIFT IDEAS:- nature date- printable scavenger hunt or coloring pages + crayons- hot cocoa / s'more kit- bubbles, sidewalk chalk- seed packets- succulent or plant- Let's Read and Find Out- video slideshow- nature artwork-  bird feeder or fairy garden kit- wrap up library books- rainbow prismsOTHER GIFTS- camera + SnapShop Online- animal figurines - Schleich, TOOB- navigation kit- investigation tools- nature craft supplies- National Parks: Andersen Design Group, Parks Project, SubPar Parks- tee shirts: Grins and Grace (moms)- donate to animal sanctuarySUBSCRIPTION BOXES- My Garden Box- Chickadees Wooden Toys- Little Naturalist Club- Think Outside- Wonderkin- Mud and Bloom- Wildchild- Matter- Freestone Fly Fishing Co- Cairn- The Camp Life- Nomadik- Green Up- Earth LoveBOARD GAMES- Junior Ranger Land- Sneaky Snacky Squirrel- Hoot Owl Hoot- Eeboo + Peaceable Kingdom games- Taiga- Hit the Habitat Trail- Cardline Animals- Wildcraft: Herbal Adventure Game- Bird Bingo- Nature + Ocean Anatomy PuzzlesFor links and more, visit: naturewithkidspodcast.com/gifts

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