MUM 51: Kinta Gitsham : Behavioural Disorders – A Recovery Story
Mum's The Word - A podcast by The Wellness Couch

Kinta Gitshams’ Bio: Kinta Gitsham an ordinary mum who has had an EXTRA ordinary journey through motherhood. A stay at home mother of 3 gorgeous children; Archie (8), Josie (6) and George (3). She is currently separated from her husband of 10 years Rick since March this year, however they are still an incredible team for the kids, and with time feel things will mend just beautifully. She has pushed through and survived severe PNDA for all three children, recovered from a minor breakdown, helped recover their son Archie, diagnosed from ASD (AUTISM – PDD-NOS), ADHD, ANXIETY, SENSORY PROCESSING DISORDER and suspected but not diagnosed ODD. It’s been quite the journey, through heavy medication for both Kinta and Archie and with Kinta almost giving up on life. Through years of searching and never giving up on hope, she has now found many answers through gut health, which consists of living a chemical free life where we eat real whole nutritious food. Through following her ‘gut intuition’ and addressing the families extensive gut issues and inflammation, they have successfully began a massive recovery and are both off all medication and are really beginning to thrive!! She is now super passionate about spreading this awareness to help as many people as she can to know they are not alone and where to find the help and support so that they too can also begin to thrive. Kinta’s Quotes : “Don’t Judge me, You can’t handle half of what I’ve dealt with. There is a reason I do the things I do, There is a reason I am who I am” (author unknown) A friend once told Kinta who was further down the road than she was “Keep going forward, this time will pass, it will get easier” Kinta’s Resources: The Mindd Foundation Bubbayumyum (Charlotte Carr) Helen Padarin (and) Kirsty Wirth – Kultured Wellness Fed Up – Sue Dengate (Elimination Diet) Kinta Recommends these books: Autistic to Artistic by Leah FollettTen Things Every Child with Autism Wishes you Knew by Ellen NotbohmThe Out of Sync Child by Carol Stock Kranowitz Welcome to Holland Poem – Kinta’s Deets/Links Website: Facebook : Instagram: kintagitsham (all these guys also have FB and Instagram) The post MUM 51: Kinta Gitsham : Behavioural Disorders – A Recovery Story appeared first on The Wellness Couch.