MUM 48: Karen Tham : Choosing a Home Birth
Mum's The Word - A podcast by The Wellness Couch

I absolutely loved this episode! Super relaxed and it was my first time interviewing my guest in person, sitting relaxed on the couch and having a chat. I could get used to it! Not only do Karen and I have the same name (ok well you all know me as Kaz , true, which is my preferred name but Karen is the name my mum gave me) but we also speak the same language and I am not referring to the English language if you get what I mean. We sepak all things birth, natural parenting and loads about what to expect for new mums. Enjoy! Kaz x Karen Tham Bio: Karen Tham is a mother of 2 beautiful children – Kaia who is 8 and Christian who is 5. She is a stay at home mom, chauffeur for 2 and a very talented juggler who manages to co-ordinate her children and husband’s busy schedules while trying to find time to bake cookies and read teen fiction. Karen has 2 University degrees, a Bachelor of Commerce in Psychology and Marketing and a Bachelor of Science in Chiropractic. She’s spent most of her life moving and travelling, she has a passion for Interior decor and design and is the Co-host of Inside the Champions Mind. A podcast she shares with her husband where they discuss mindset and their stories and challenges in Life, Love and Legacy. Karen’s Deets: where She co-hosts the podcast “Inside the Champion’s” mind with her husband Laurence Tham. [email protected] The post MUM 48: Karen Tham : Choosing a Home Birth appeared first on The Wellness Couch.