MUM 013: Melissa Spilsted : Removing The Fear of Childbirth
Mum's The Word - A podcast by The Wellness Couch

EPISODE 013 (with Melissa Spilsted) REMOVING THE FEAR OF CHILDBIRTH You are going to LOVE this episode. The amazing caliber of guests just keeps on coming my way and although we are now 13 episodes, 20 have already been recorded and many more are booked so stay tuned… so much more is heading your way. Have you subscribed yet to Mum’s The Word to get all the episodes delivered to your phone as soon as they are released each Friday? You can do so here on iTunes. So as you can imagine this week is a very important and a very empowering message. One to certainly be shared many times!! so please do share this episode and it’s links/resources with those pregnant women around you especially those nearing the end of their pregnancy. I had two amazing births and yes its true I did do lots of preparation but listening to this episode, its so so empowering, that it makes me want to have another birth!! My very purpose for this podcast is to have women share and to not have to reinvent the wheel and the biggest thing that I could share with women pregnant or yet to be is that BIRTH IS VERY DOABLE!! Its something I felt and also even verbalised within the first hour of having birthed my first child (and there’s proof too of me saying it to my midwife Jacky on Episode 1) where you can listen in here ENJOY this weeks Episode and thanks for listening!! MELISSA’S BIO Melissa Spilsted is a clinical hypnotherapist, childbirth educator, registered teacher, hypnobirthing mother of three and founder of the Hypnobirthing Australia and Hypnobubs programs. She also wrote the world first ‘Positive Caesarean’ course, which combines the use of hypnobirthing techniques with mindful preparation for a c-section. Her passion is positive and empowered birthing, regardless of how our baby comes into the world. Hypnobirthing Australia is Australia’s fastest growing childbirth education program with over 100 practitioners teaching her methods in every state and territory of Australia. Hypnobubs is the online hypnobirthing course, which was devised to make hypnobirthing more accessible throughout Australia and the world. Melissa is also the voice of several popular self-hypnosis albums for pregnancy, childbirth, parenting and beyond – ‘Surge of the Sea’ is ranked #1 album on iTunes for hypnobirthing. Ms Spilsted is regularly asked to contribute articles pertaining to hypnobirthing (hypnosis for childbirth) and has featured on Channel 7 Sunrise, articles in Mother & Baby Magazine, Practical Parenting, Nurture Magazine, Take 5 Magazine, The Australian Women’s Weekly, Essential Baby and been interviewed for a radio and television programs in relation to this subject. . Melissa’s Tips/Resources Website: Website : Book: Sarah Buckley ; Gentle Birth Gentle Mothering Facebook Page: Birth Without Fear Melissa’s Contact Details Website – Facebook Page Hypnobirthing Australia iTunes Surge of The sea email : [email protected]. Quotes “A major component that isn’t considered these days is the mind, the part that the mind and our mindset plays on how we birth.” “Women deserve to approach their birth without fear. They deserve to be looking forward tot the birth and for the birth experience to be one that they will always want to look back at with joy, one of the highlights of their life.” “tune out to distraction, tune into your body” “every surge of my body brings my baby closer to me” Have you already given Mum’s The Word a rating and a review on iTunes yet? I’d be so grateful to get the message out further and reviews are a great way to do this!! Thanks so much if you have and if not, please do so to help me share “the word” even more. The post MUM 013: Melissa Spilsted : Removing The Fear of Childbirth appeared first on The Wellness Couch.