Why decluttering is so emotionally draining
Motherhood Simplified - A podcast by Krista Lockwood

Enroll in Decluttering Simplified This episode is all about why we are so emotionally invested into our clutter, and how we can break free from it. -our childhood wounds are being relived, whatever those are and it can be the OPPOSITE of your childhood wounds -avoiding your home because it's too overwhelming to be there. So we find other things to do, places to go, things to have. -buying things because it was a good deal and we had FOMO, scarcity based mindset and feeling like we will be deprived or not have enough -we become victims of expert marketers telling us well be a good mom, our kids will be happier/smarter/more well rounded -we want to keep up with trends and the joneses. To feel accepted/included. So how do we move past it? -the most effective thing, dive into your decluttering with a critical mind. If we declutter only from emotion that's when we regret it, or get rid of the wrong things. You can start small, and you can start simple. Sometimes we think we have to go from where we are now to the extreme opposite that we probably don’t even want. You have time/ there are so many steps between where you’re at now, and white walls one spoon and 2 outfits AND You can get support in this -start to let the layers of stuff go. See the relief you feel, and how safe it really is to declutter. -take a step back and ask critically "why is it hard for me to let this go", "realistically what will happen if I let this go" what is the WORST case scenario. -create voids in your home and life so that you can fill it up with something better. We fear white space not realizing those are the spaces for the things we DO want to have grow. ____ 3:40 - the list of reasons that we might be feeling emotionally invested into our clutter and therefore it makes it difficult to declutter 16:23 - how do we move past the clutter 20:27 - new/free challenge Release your clutter like a powerful mother challenge - May 3rd-10th inside the facebook group 23:24 - its not as bad as you think 24:42 - Whats the worst that could happen? 26:09 - join us in the facebook group for the release your clutter like a powerful mother. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2010014145929427/?ref=share 28:14 - share this podcast with your friends