The solution to your decision fatigue
Motherhood Simplified - A podcast by Krista Lockwood

Enroll in Decluttering Simplified Have you ever experienced decision fatigue? Click here for the full transcription of this episode We can make at most 100 excellent, high level decisions before we begin to max out our brain power. As mothers we simply do not have the time or energy to waste on insignificant decisions. Organization is often sold to us as a solution for our decision fatigue. I am here to bust this myth for you. When you organize the stuff in your home, you are really just making a series of decisions on how to store things. It’s essentially attempting to create a system for your decision making. The problem is that when you organize your clutter you still have the same amount of decisions to make on an every day basis. When you choose to declutter, you make the decision once and are done with it forever. Here are some real life examples of decluttering and decision fatigue. One mom inside of the course I created, Decluttering Simplified said this: “I finally chose to declutter this book, and now I am free. I never have to make a decision on it again.” The book she is referring to was one that she had been trying to read for a year. It sat on her counter, her nightstand and daily she was required to make a decision about it. To read it, or not read it? Bring it up to her bedroom, or not? Spend time with her family, or read her book. She even brought it on a family vacation and made decisions on it while on vacation. What she realized is the book required her to make many decisions almost daily. Never was the decision to actually read, and benefit from the book. The way she explained her decision fatigue was so clear. Here is another example from a mom inside of the group. This mom decluttered a cupcake stand she never used, but made many decisions on before that. The cupcake stand represented the mom she thought she should be. It sat on her counter for a long while until she needed the counter space back. She had to decide where to put it. Which led to a series of decisions made on how to rearrange he pantry so it fit. It fit in there for a while, but was mostly in the way. Which inevitably led to her needing to make another decision on where to keep the cupcake stand. Organize a different cabinet? Declutter some tupperware to make room? Something else? Ultimately, after a long series of decisions about a cupcake stand that was never used she decluttered it. Now, it might not be a cupcake stand for you that is consuming all of your decision power. It can be anything – nail clippers, sunblock, toys, shoes, or a sippy cup for your kids. The point I hope you get from this episode is that your clutter requires, and demands a lot from you. In very seemingly small ways that add up over time. Decluttering is also a series of decisions you need to make. What do you do first, next and last? Where do you take the items? Should you sell them? For how much? When should you declutter? Do you include the kids, and how? You can experience decision fatigue in decluttering as well, so the less things you need to figure out yourself the more time and energy you have to spend actually decluttering. Which is exactly what I offer inside of Decluttering Simplified. Not only do you have the full step by step plan available to you, but you also have accountability and support in implementing the content. Check it out and enroll right here!