Help for anxious kids who ruminate
Mother Flipping Awesome - A podcast by Abigail Wald

Watching your kid descend into a spiral of worry can feel terrifying for both of you. Here's a simple strategy to help them break the cycle. Need help with your kid's anxiety? Reach out, I've got you. (Anxiety is one we personally conquered in our family, and something I've been able to turn around for other families in almost every instance) 👉 For the FULL podcast experience, become a true MFA PODCAST SUPERHERO and get: 💝 a free private Q&A Day with me (normally $95) 💝 a quarterly Podcast Superhero Party, where we all come together as a parent community and learn from each other on a privately curated helpline for the day Priceless. Yet free. GET YOUR SUPERHERO GIFTS HERE 👉