Every job needs training. Including parenting!

Mother Flipping Awesome - A podcast by Abigail Wald

Do you feel like you should just somehow KNOW how to parent? Nope. It's your first time parenting THIS kid at THIS age. Why would you just know how to do something you've never ever done before?? Lots of good parents need help. Great parents GET HELP. 👉 https://abigailwald.com/ttp  For the FULL podcast experience, become a true MFA PODCAST SUPERHERO and get: 💝 a free private Q&A Day with me (normally $95) 💝 a quarterly Podcast Superhero Party, where we all come together as a parent community and learn from each other on a privately curated helpline for the day Priceless. Yet free. GET YOUR SUPERHERO GIFTS HERE 👉 https://abigailwald.com/podcast 

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