Liesel and Jenna's Live Reactions Birth Scenes in the Media
Mommy Labor Nurse - A podcast by Liesel Teen

This week on the podcast, I had my sister Jenna come on the show for a fun and light hearted episode that I'm really excited to share with you guys. Jenna and I watched some birth videos - but not the kind of birth videos that you're thinking of! - and react to them live on the episode. I thought it'd be interesting coming from me as a labor and delivery nurse and from Jenna, who you know has never been pregnant and doesn't have any kids. I'm not gonna spoil too much of the episode. It was a lot of fun to record, but was also a big pain in the butt to get ready for, so I hope you guys like it! Overwhelmed by the amount of pregnancy info out there? CLICK HERE to get helpful and supportive tips, info, and resources from an L&D nurse sent straight to your inbox every week, and never sort through search results again! Have an even better birth! CLICK HERE to learn more about our online birth classes that will help you feel prepared and in control - no matter how you deliver. And be sure to follow @mommy.labornurse on Instagram to join our community of over half a million for education, tips, and solidarity on all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum!