Happy 200! Behind the Scenes of The Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast

Mommy Labor Nurse - A podcast by Liesel Teen


Happy 200 MLN Podcast fam!!  To celebrate, I'm giving away five $50 Amazon gift cards! All you have to do is leave a written review of the podcast, take a screenshot of your review, and send it to [email protected] - that's it!! Entry closes on October 8th, 2023.  In this episode, I thought it would be fun to take a little walk down memory lane and give you some behind the scenes insight into the podcast! My sister Jenna is joining me and we're going to talk all about some of my most memorable episodes! Whenever you joined the MLN podcast community, I want you to know how grateful I am that you're here! I love getting to connect in this way every week, and this show would never be possible if it weren't for all of you. Overwhelmed by the amount of pregnancy info out there? CLICK HERE to get helpful and supportive tips, info, and resources from an L&D nurse sent straight to your inbox every week, and never sort through search results again! Have an even better birth! CLICK HERE to learn more about our online birth classes that will help you feel prepared and in control - no matter how you deliver. And be sure to follow @mommy.labornurse on Instagram to join our community of over half a million for education, tips, and solidarity on all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum! Episodes Mentioned Favorite expert interviews: Episode 17: How to Have An Easier Labor! – Interview with Gail Tully from Spinning Babies® Episode 38: Gail Tully from Spinning Babies Talks Inductions, VBACs, Belly Mapping, & More! Favorite birth stories: Episode 37: Camila’s Story – The Fight To Flourish Episode 196: Christa's Empowering Birth Story Funniest: Episode 140: Liesel and Jenna’s Live Reactions to Birth Scenes in the Media Most proud of: Episode 54: A Fellow Labor Nurse’s Birth Story! (Part 1) Episode 55: A Fellow Labor Nurse’s Birth Story! (Part 2) A must listen: EP106: Mindset Tips for Pregnancy and Birth with Natalie Bacon

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