Epidurals 101: Get Informed About Epidurals for Birth
Mommy Labor Nurse - A podcast by Liesel Teen

When it comes to talking about birth, epidurals are often a part of the conversation in one way or another. And I’d guess that most of you already know that epidural placement eliminates labor pain. But beyond that? Well, a lot of people don’t actually know that much! I often get questions about how epidurals are placed, how big an epidural needle is, if getting an epidural hurts, and lots more! So in this episode I unpack these epidural placement FAQs that frequently show up in my DMs. Additionally, you’ll get a bit of deep dive into WALKING epidurals. Walking epidurals are very similar to a traditional epidural, but they allow for greater feeling and movement in the lower half of the body. This makes them very appealing to mamas that want a sort of “hybrid” birth experience. One where the edge is taken off the pain, but not so much that they can’t move or feel the sensations of labor and delivery. Want to feel confident before your epidural birth? Get the FREE Epidural Birth Prep Pack to gain a sense of control before the big day! Have an even better birth! CLICK HERE to learn more about our online birth classes that will help you feel prepared and in control - no matter how you deliver. And be sure to follow @mommy.labornurse on Instagram to join our community of over half a million for education, tips, and solidarity on all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum! Related Episodes Episode 31: What it's like to get an epidural Episode 101: Talking Anesthesia and L&D with Dr. Magnolia Printz Baby-Led Weaning Made Easy Podcast The Baby Led Weaning Made Easy Podcast hosted by my friend Katie Ferraro is a total must-listen for expecting and new mamas alike! Katie’s podcast is an absolute treasure trove of information related to baby led weaning, where babies learn to feed themselves the safe, age-appropriate foods you offer them. To listen to her show, simply search Baby-Led Weaning wherever you listen to podcasts or go to blwpodcast.com! Sponsor Are you in search of the perfect pump for your breastfeeding days? Proven to provide more milk in less time, the Motif Luna is a powerful breast pump that’s built for modern motherhood and covered by insurance. With a battery-powered or non-battery version, the Luna is perfect for today’s busy mom. Click HERE to learn more about Luna and order one for your breastfeeding and pumping journey. And as a special offer for MLN podcast listeners you can get 15% off site-wide, including the Luna plus all supplies and accessories with code: MLN23. Some exclusions may apply.