Let's Talk about Infant Car Seat Safety with a CPST
Mommy Labor Nurse - A podcast by Liesel Teen

This week we are talking all about infant car seat safety with a certified child passenger safety technician and preventable injury specialist, Brigette Watson. This is a topic that I am always happy to discuss and bring awareness to because car seats are something many of us use every day with our little ones, and it’s actually so easy to make mistakes without even realizing it. I know even I can be guilty of it! Stressed about your baby registry? Get the FREE Baby Registry Checklist created by an L&D nurse and veteran mom for insider tips and an organized list of the things you *actually* need! Have an even better birth! CLICK HERE to learn more about our online birth classes that will help you feel prepared and in control - no matter how you deliver. And be sure to follow @mommy.labornurse on Instagram to join our community of over half a million for education, tips, and solidarity on all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum!