Beyond Birds and Bees
Care and Feeding | Slate's parenting show - A podcast by Slate Podcasts

On this episode: Jamilah, Zak, and Elizabeth share some parenting triumphs and fails. Then Elizabeth and Dr. Joseph Currin continue to answer teen questions. (Part one of ‘teen talk’ aired on Monday.) Today the questions are all about sex education and navigating potentially uncomfortable conversations. On Slate Plus, they take turns telling each other their best dad jokes. Slate Plus members get a bonus segment on MADAF each week, and no ads. Sign up now at to listen and support our work. Join us on Facebook and email us at [email protected] to ask us new questions, tell us what you thought of today’s show, and give us ideas about what we should talk about in future episodes. Podcast produced by Rosemary Belson and Jasmine Ellis. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit