2: erin telford
metaphysical gravity - A podcast by eringunzelman

Soul ages and past lives, consciousness, and navigating collective energies… an episode (read: a total lovefest!) that we hope you will truly enjoy! Erin Telford is the first guest on MG and shares wisdom nuggets related to so many topics including joy and pain, self-discovery, what it means to “ground,” the power of choice, and questioning deeply held programs and beliefs. The conversation also touches on the current state of the world and the role of challenges and discomfort in our own personal transformations as well as that of our collective human family. Erin Telford is an amazing Breathwork Facilitator & trainer as well as business mentor for healers and coaches. You can connect with her via her website or instagram. Ways to connect with Erin Gunzelman for all things consciousness-expansion: eringunzelman.com @erin.gunzelman and @metaphysicalgravitypod on instagram for more laughs and love I hope you enjoy this episode! Thank you for rating, reviewing, and subscribing so that it may find and support others.