Sobriety is a Super Power with Ross Mac

Menace to Sobriety - A podcast by Daniel O'Reilly - Fridays

Ross Mac is a DJ, event promotor and had a very late diagnosis of ADHD this year. As an ex-alcoholic and addict, Ross marks 8 years sober this year. He joins Daniel to talk about his demons with addiction, how he got sober and how he helps others do the same. Daniel and Ross also talk about mindset, the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people and the common alter-egos and self-destructive nature of addiction. CHECK OUT DAPPERS upcoming tour for 2024! KEY TAKEAWAYS  Ross began DJing at 14, doing big clubs at just the age of 16. It wasn’t until he was 34 that he then became sober. ADHD means that Ross easily obsesses over things, this is one of the things he attributes to becoming an addict. What he does now focuses his obsessions on the ‘right’ things like helping others, his recovery and his health. Becoming sober can often give an individual a huge amount of clarity, meaning they can make more conscious decisions but with it also comes regrets and remorse which can be hard to deal with. When you are an addict, it isn’t just about life when you are ‘on’ the drugs of alcohol. It’s the rest of your life when you aren’t too, it impacts every area of your life and how you think and treat people. You have to accept the consequences and results of when you were using, all you can do now is focus on staying clean and sober to try and make amends for your friends, family and yourself. Drink and drug use are so powerful that they can be causing everything to go wrong in your life and you still won’t want to give them up. Many ex-addicts talk about the role of self-destruction in aiding their addiction, feeling like they have an alter-ego that feeds their need for drugs and alcohol.   BEST MOMENTS  “I obsess about everything” “It’s not about you’re drinking it’s about your thinking” “Being sober is a superpower” “Now you know it’s a problem, you can let go of it” “Sober people are weird because they are nice” VALUABLE RESOURCES CONTACT METHOD Instagram Facebook Twitter   ABOUT THE GUEST Ross Mac Ross has suffered from poor mental health for as long as he can remember and was expelled from infant school at the age of 5. Everyone told him he was a naughty kid but in his 30s he learnt he was an addict, with ADHD - this realisation and discovery was a blessing.  Working and running events in nightclubs at the age of 13, Ross quickly turned to drinking and drugs as a solution to his problems. Despite his addictions, he managed to DJ and run events all over the world, but there was always a dark cloud that followed him -  that dark cloud was his mind.  He always knew what he was doing was wrong, he always knew he had developed an addiction, but he couldn’t stop. Drink, drugs, and women were their favourite pastimes, and he would (unfortunately) step over anyone to get what he wanted. His mind was scrambled 24/7 and he couldn’t work out the truth from the false.  On the outside, his life looked amazing but inside his use got worse, his mind got darker, and he found himself in a place where he thought he was going to die! He had been going to 12-step recovery meetings on and off for over four years, but one day he hit rock bottom and has never looked back. He’s been clean ever since, God willing, one day at a time. A decision that has changed his life. Ross got clean on 22nd September 2014 and discovering he is an addict has been the best thing that has ever happened to him. He’s been given a second chance in life and wants to share that with as many people as possible, that want a new out. He believes we have been put on this earth to help each other and that philosophy is his mission - to speak and help people every single day of his life, no matter where he is in the world. Since he became clean, his life has gone one way, and that’s up! The fog cleared, and his world opened up. Ross knows he’ll be an addict until the day he dies, but he’s grateful to understand his ADHD brain and that he had been self-medicating with drugs and alcohol for years.   Ross knows his journey is just the beginning but realises there’s so much more we could be doing to help others. In 2022 he launched RM Wellness Solutions, believing he can make a difference if people want change and are willing to work for a better, happier life. He wants anyone struggling to know that help and answers are available but first, you must want to change and be prepared to go outside your comfort zone.  The first step is to decide to change and seek out the help you need. It is never too late.  Ross says “ultimately, we have to be the change we want to see in ourselves and the world”. Instagram: Djrossmac    ABOUT THE HOST Daniel O’Reilly Daniel O’Reilly is one of the UK’s Largest Influencers, a comedian, actor, musician, viral video star and social influencer. With a portfolio of businesses Daniel enjoys a busy lifestyle mixed with business and pleasure. Daniel is a father to two beautiful girls and enjoys spending quality time with them and his wife Shelley. With 2022 being a busy year, Daniel sold out his O2 stand-up show, released his British movie 'The Last Heist'  and is currently preparing for the upcoming release of his other film 'Miss The Kiss'. Daniel is a creative through and through, with a passion to strive in everything he does. Daniel is looking forward to the release of his podcast 'Menace 2 Sobriety' in 2023, his long-term position on GB News, Headliners, and the growing slate of films in the works with his production company, HYPRR.    PODCAST DESCRIPTION   Daniel O'Reilly's newest venture sees the creation of his Menace 2 Sobriety podcast, a series of relaxed and open conversations with different guests and varied experiences.    After recently being diagnosed with severe ADHD and beginning his sobriety again, Daniel also set up a page on Facebook and Instagram called 'Men And Their Emotions' (M.A.T.E) an accessible, open and supportive group for MEN to post their feelings, thoughts and current life issues. Upon seeing the responses from men around the world to some of the posts on the group he was blown away and continues to be touched by the kindness and support offered by strangers. This all led to Daniel wanting to start up his own podcast and invite guests to join him in opening up about past experiences and talk about all things mental health, family & sobriety.    The podcast will see Daniel and his interesting guests' sharing their personal stories and learning experiences that they hope will help other people; whether it encourages one person to ask for help, talk to family about their struggles with getting sober/clean, or realise that they aren't alone. The Menace 2 Sobriety podcast has been created by Daniel to help people fight their own gremlins.Sobriety Podcast #wedorecover # recoveroutloud #addicitonrecovery #addiction #recoverytok #sobriety #sober #sobertiktok #sobertok #soberlife #sobercurious #soberliving:

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