Portrait Session: 2017 Reflections and 2018 Goals

Master Photography - A podcast by Master Photography Team

Erica and Connor reflect on their 2017 goals and share their goals for 2018
Erica 2017 Reflections

* Taking time for myself, not overbooking – success!
* Creating epic multiple exposures – failure!
* Book 5 weddings at my highest collection – success!

Connor 2017 Reflections

* Become a full time photographer – Success!?
* Focus more on Commercial Clients – failure/success?
* Sell tickets to workshops – Success!

Connor 2018 Goals

* Outsource some of my work
* Get published in at least 4 publications
* Grow non-commercial clients by 50% with social media marketing
* Post much more consistently on social media (3 times a week)
* Focus more attention on helping other photographers/creating content to help photographers
* Get invited to speak at at least 1 other conference
* Build a larger commercial client base

Erica 2018 Goals

* Creative: master that double exposure technique in camera
* Business: make 6 figures
* Education: attend at least 1 high-end portrait workshop

Listener Goals
Mark Morris First my goal from 2017 was to book more weddings… totally shot past my goal of 3, booked 8, with a lot of guidance from my mentor, Erica Coffman!! 2018… two goals: 1) offer some great workshops for photographers, and 2) expand my commercial client base. (I booked my second major corporate gig this year.).
Stephen Smith To finish my NYIP correspondence course. It’s something I decided to do for fun, and it’s been very educational. I’ll be proud to finish.
Sarah Elizabeth I have one wholesale client right now and would love to get a couple more next year!
Aaron Taylor Pretty sure my 2017 goals were lofty. Might’ve met less than half. I’m going to give myself one goal for 2018: spend more money on education than gear.
Danette Zak To get a paying customer!!
Lori Hutchinson To just do it and quit lurking in the wings.
Josh Peterson To make enough off photography to buy the Tamron 24-70 g2. To second shoot a wedding. To shoot enough to fill my portfolio full enough to make a website.
Steven Morrow To learn the business side (contracts, llc, deductions, etc) at least half as much as I’m learning about photography itself.
Jeremy S. Lanthorn 1. To replace over half my salary with photography income.

* Organize at least 3 styled shoots.
* Make 2 photo specific trips.
* Attend at least 5 state championship events (A lot of my income comes sports photography).

Tony Hicks To finish college, have my website complete(it will never be finished as far as I’m concerned) and a solid work flow in place among a few other things I want to be running at least a part time business in portraiture by the end of the year. Starting the year off by going to imaging in January it’s the c...

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