Photo Taco: Lr Classic CC 7.1 With THE Lightroom Queen

Master Photography - A podcast by Master Photography Team

Jeff is joined by Victoria Bampton, a.k.a. The Lightroom Queen, to talk about Lightroom Classic CC 7.1.  They talk about her new Lightroom Classic CC The Missing FAQ book and go over 6 questions (including tips on faster culling in Lightroom, the magic alt/option key, Range Masks, and why you should use Quick Adjustments in Library):

* What is the future of Lightroom Classic CC?  Many are very concerned that the Lightroom they have used for years is going away, is there hope that it will stick around for years to come?
* The way storage is not managed with the all new Lightroom CC and everything is automatically synced to the cloud, is there any hope that Adobe will add some kind of selective sync capabilities so that photographers with slower Internet, bandwidth caps, or don’t want to pay for Adobe cloud storage can use the all new Lightroom CC?
* Your book has a number of workflows and decision trees, what are they about and how can they help photographers use Lightroom Classic CC better?
* Adobe has said they are working very closely with Intel on a 7.2 update to Lightroom Classic CC to address some nagging performance issues.  When can we expect that update and what will be in it?
* I have a workflow that works extremely well for me and one of the reasons is the way I use the Library module to cull.  I don’t know how many photographers are aware of the G and E hotkeys in the Library module to switch between Grid and Loupe view, but it has sped up my culling significantly.  When you go to the Library module you start of in the grid view by default, which is great for culling, but sometimes to decide between a couple of photos which I want to use I need to see a larger version of the photo.  When that happens I select the photo I want to see and hit the E key to switch to Loupe view and can see the image take up the whole view instead of the smaller thumbnail in Grid view.  When I have decided I go back to Grid view by hitting the G key.  With all of your work with Lightroom users over the years, do you have a tip for photographers who generally know their way around but may not know that could really help them use the application better?
* My favorite feature added to Lightroom Classic CC is Range Masking.  Something you can do now with gradient and radial filters, and the adjustment brush.  When you have applied either of those things on the photo the masking panel where you can adjust the photo with that mask has a new item at the very bottom called Range Mask.  It is a drop down where you can choose Color or Luminosity.  I don’t tend to adjust my photos based on colors, but I want to target adjustments based on luminosity (brightness) all the time.  You could sort of get there previously with the auto-mask of the adjustment brush, but now if you pick Luminosity in the Range Mask drop down you can use range and smoothness sliders to tell Lightroom more specifically where to apply the adjustment.  It is an awesome new feature.  What new feature do you like best in Lightroom Classic CC?

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

* Lightroom CC/6 Keyboard Shortcuts:
* Victoria’s website:
* Victoria’s Twitter:
* Victoria’s Facebook:
* Victoria’s Instagram:

Other Photo Taco Resources:

* Vote for Jeff’s “Cull” module idea to be added to Lightroom:

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