Catching Up With THE Nick Page!

Master Photography - A podcast by Master Photography Team

Erica hosts with Connor and THE Nick Page joining her at the roundtable to talk about the current status of the rebranding changes going from the Improve Photography Network to the Master Photography Podcast Network and the latest is with Nick. Doodads of the week as well of course.

Topic 1: Master Photography Podcast Network

2) Facebook group
The group is the first visible step in the rebranding process. The name is changing to Master Photography Podcast Listeners, so if you haven’t already joined, be sure to find us!
To keep the bots and spammers out of the group you have to answer a question about naming a host on the podcast.  Any of our names will work (Erica, Connor, Jeff, Brian, Brent), but if you don’t answer we won’t accept you to join the group.
3) Remind you that we are returning to the separate feeds for the podcasts on the network.  Photo Taco is out there already and Portrait Session and the other shows are in the works, as well.
4) The rebranding from IP Podcast to MP Podcast is happening! So don’t worry when the album art and the name changes.  Same show, same format, same everything. Just being rebranded.

Topic 2: What’s up with Nick Page?

Current projects
1) Tutorial collabs with Visual Wilderness and creative highway
2) More tutorials
3) Upcoming workshops
Oregon coast
4) 2019 collabs in Faroe and southwest
5) Landscape Photography Podcast

Since you haven’t been around for awhile, I’m sure the listeners are dying to hear a few pieces of Nick Page advice. What 2 pieces of advice would you like to share with us?
It’s one thing to emulate, its another thing to never stretch yourself
Hobbies are important mmmkay


Nick:  Shimoda 40L bag
Erica: RescueTime - a program that runs in the background of your computer and keeps track of how you use your time; sends weekly reports via email with a breakdown of your computer use (social media, email, online, editing, etc.); useful for analyzing how you spend your business time, where you’re spending too much time, etc.
Connor:  Backblaze
Final reminders:

New website -
Please continue supporting
Join our Facebook groups at Master Photography Podcast Listeners and Portrait Session Podcast
Visit us at:
Erica: ericakayphotography and uacreativestudios online and on social
Nick: and

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