DECEMBER Lesson from the Records + Integration
episode 136
This is the last channeled Lesson of the decade and something very special happened. Not only did the Pinnacle channel the Lesson, but moments before I sat down to record the second part of the episode, (the Integration part), they channeled through another very important message about the 2012 - 2020 cycle. Enjoy!
Topics Discussed
the December Lesson from the Records (channeled)
getting comfortable with being uncomfortable
past-life healing from one of my lives in England that I recently experienced without actually going to England
the 2012 - 2020 cycle completion
where we have decided to live as a family and how we arrived at this decision
connecting to your physical body to receive from your energetic body (the Line)
I’m running home to myself and the confirmation I received from the Thunderbird about this
the Universe isn’t testing you
the Energetic Threshold and understanding your energetic communication with the Universe
intentionally changing your patterns
Show Notes
A Line Within website
@alnwithin on IG
ep. 135: How To Prepare For The BIG 2020 Energy With Leslie Galbraith
ep. 123: Integrating The September Lesson From The Records
ep. 81: Discovering Your Gifts By Getting Out Of Your Own Way With Ben Wood