Align With Your Energetic Imprint Through Astrology with Leslie Galbraith

MANIFEST THIS with Ashley Wood

episode 84


Leslie Galbraith is the first and only person to read my astrological birth chart. She did so on December 31, 2018 and was so spot on, so smart and I enjoyed speaking with her so much that I had to have her on the podcast. Leslie is a gifted astrologer who will inspire and educate you with her ancient wisdom on the planets and the stars.


In This Episode We Discuss…

  • what does it mean when the moon is void
  • why parents can use astrological charts to support their child’s development
  • what transits in the astrological chart mean and how they can support our pivots
  • how Leslie pivoted into living as an astrologer and discovered her gifts
  • the universal law of magnetics and our energetic signature 
  • how limiting beliefs, pain, shame and guilt can cause health crises 
  • how we can manage our own energy
  • the energy of 2019 and how to navigate this year 
  • eclipses and how we can work with them


Show Notes