Rulers Don't Measure by Diane M Scabilloni - Read by Martyn Kenneth
Lights Out Bedtime Stories for Boys and Girls - A podcast by Storyteller Martyn Kenneth

Rulers Don't Measure by Diane M Scabilloni - Read by Martyn KennethThe journey of Life can have its challenges. When we are not sure of what to do or how to do it, sometimes we compare ourselves to others. At times, we judge ourselves as not measuring up. As you will read in this inspiring story, the character does a lot of comparing as he tries to find his way. He encounters some interesting situations and learns a great lesson in the end. He learns how he wants to rule his life. Young people are often trying to find their way in life. They compare themselves to others and can be harsh and unkind in their thinking about themselves. This book can help them with their confidence, identity and knowing that they are special and unique.The book is available in both hardcopy and e-book versions here